cellular concrete

Cellular Concrete

Cellular concrete may used in a variety of applications to help create the desired attributes and density for your project.

What is Cellular Concrete?

Cellular concrete is a concrete mixture that has some or all of the sand or rock (aggregate) substituted with air bubbles. While there are many other names for this type of mixture, cellular concrete is the most common.

How is Cellular Concrete Created?

For most projects performed by Fenton Rigging Shotcrete/Gunite Division, a hybrid mixing process is used. We start with a “smart foam liquid concentrate”, a chemical concentrate that will only react when introduced to the cement itself. The concentrate is preformed into foam with a special device and then blended into the cement mixture to create the most stable and resilient air cells that ensure an even consistency of material throughout the entire process. On-site applications using a mechanical mixing process only can produce inconsistent material that may or may not possess the desired qualities.

Benefits to Using a Cellular Concrete

The main advantage to using cellular concrete is the density control that can be achieved by using this type of mixture. By working with a trained and experienced engineer, the cement used for your project can exhibit any of the following qualities/benefits:

Cellular Concrete Applications

Cellular concrete mixtures are well suited to applications that have challenges related to the need for a lighter material, soil grouting/fill, or limited access projects with less space for onsite materials. The material is also used in special applications for its insulating, sound absorption, fire, mold, moisture and seismic resistance qualities.

Typical industries with need for these applications include:

Before Working With Cellular Concrete

Before working with Cellular Concrete, choose a contracting partner that has the engineering expertise and experience working with cellular concrete for your particular application. The mix and consistency of the cellular concrete mix MUST be managed properly or your product may lack the necessary strength or fail to perform with the desired qualities. Choose an expert like Fenton Rigging Shotcrete / Gunite Division to make sure your cellular concrete project comes out smoothly.