
Gunite, similar to shotcrete, is a superior modern method of delivery for different types of concrete construction and applications. Originally invented by Carl Akeley, the gunite process involves shooting dry powered concrete through a hose, using compressed air. The primary difference for gunite vs. a shotcrete process is that water is added at application and can be controlled on-the-fly by a skilled nozzelman (the term used for a gunite hose operator).

This concrete construction/ application method allows for greater control, maneuverability and a wider range of applications than more traditional mold processing, and can be even more suitable than pre-mixed shotcrete for vertical or overhead applications.

Differences between Gunite & Shotcrete

Although sometimes used interchangeably, there is a difference between shotcrete and gunite. Not only is the timing of the water application different (shotcrete is mixed with water before application, while gunite is mixed during), but there are other differences as well. Shotcrete is mixed with concrete, water, and some type of rock. Gunite on the other hand, is a mixture of concrete and sand with water being added only at the time it is applied by the sprayer.

What should I know before deciding to use a gunite process?

The gunite process has its place, when used properly but also has its limitations. The best idea is to contact a company with the skill and experience to first make the call which type of sprayed concrete fits your application best, and secondly to choose a nozzleman with the proper training and experience to execute your application. The gunite process especially can be tricky for an inexperienced nozzleman, as there is more opportunity for wasted material (higher cost) and a lower quality product if not mixed and applied properly.

Fenton Rigging Gunite / Shotcrete Division has the proper engineers, staff and experienced nozzleman to plan and execute your gunite project. Visit our Contact Us page to speak with an expert.